CHS Chorus Lock-In | April 26
We have almost 70 students attending this year, which is wonderful, but we will need everyone's help either chaperoning, donating items, or sending $5 to help cover the cost of dinner if possible.
Please consider serving as a chaperone this year, as we have a good number of students to attend to.
To make it easy to sign up and see what is still needed, please click the link below:
Click here for the Lock-In Permission Form
- This game night/lock-in in an opportunity for chorus students to celebrate our accomplishments for the year and participate in some fun community and team building activities.
- The lock-in begins at 6:00pm on Friday, April 26. We will have dinner catered in from Pueblos.
- Your student has the option of staying for games and leaving/being picked up by 11:00pm, or to stay for the lock-in.
- Lock-in: Three female chaperones will stay with the female students in the chorus room (which will remain locked after 1:00am), and three male chaperones will stay with male students in the theater.
- Any student that has a behavior issue at the lock-in will need to be picked up.
- We will have breakfast for students on Saturday morning around 8:00am, and students will need to be picked up by 9:30am on Saturday, April 27.
- This year we are planning to have dinner catered in, and we are asking that students bring $5 to help defray the cost of dinner and breakfast.
We require parental permission for students under the age of 18 to attend overnight activities.
On the permission form, please choose either Game Night, or Game Night + Lock-In,
and then if you would like your child to have the option to play video games & watch the Avengers Infinity War movie, please check that as well:
Although I do not anticipate any problems with our students, please note: Any student that has a behavior issue at the lock-in will need to be picked up, regardless of the time of night.